Why Not Blame Drew?
Drew Bixby grew up in Upstate New York as the youngest of four siblings. The son of hard-working parents (who work everyday of the week even into their seventies), he missed only one day of school since the forth grade. That one day was to visit Colgate University, from which he would graduate with Honors. After taking a year off to travel across the US on a very limited budget (usually sleeping in his car or tent), Drew attended the Northeastern University Graduate School of Professional Accounting in Boston, MA. He graduated from the program with Honors and obtained his CPA credentials to begin a five-year career with Price Waterhouse.

Drew is a self-taught software developer. He learned database design and structure when he wanted to connect databases while part of the finance team at Trilogy Software. He continued to tune his development skills along with sales and marketing techniques while working with Black Diamond Technology. He leveraged what he learned to become an entrepreneur. He went on to launch his own business, Austin Sky Technology, which provides software applications to school administrators. In his role as Director of Principal Support, he has seen the internal state of school districts over the past decade, first hand. He understands many of the underlying problems that hinder schools from bad data to lack of resources and waste of resources. He works with schools (many times on a volunteer basis) to resolve many of the issues resulting from these source problems.

His wife Melissa knows that "Drew is always doing something." If it is not building a small project in the garage, he is learning something new on the computer. He makes time to write every morning. He has written different fiction and nonfiction stories. He blogs at YellowKayak.org on the concepts of integrity, responsibility, and respect. He is constantly listening to books to learn about new topics of interest or just get away with someone else's story. He particularly enjoys utilizing his college major, philosophy, and particularly logic. He enjoys working with logic puzzles.

His passion is education of youth. He is currently working with a small group of inspired leaders to help find new paths for education. The group "Education Talks" sees that many of the current ruts of the educational system are proven not to work even though we continue to follow them. They want to find ways to break out of those ruts.

While he has been active in organizations such as Adult Literacy, Homelessness, Habit for Humanity, in the past, he has become more committed to education of youth. He was a active member with Junior Achievement during his 5 years in Boston, MA. As a graduate of Leadership Austin (class of '02), he has been involved in Austin with the Junior Achievement Company Program, Capital Area Training Foundation, Chamber of Commerce Educational Committee, AISD Family Involvement Group, Sunshine Camps, and Young Men's Business League. He currently serves on the Board of the YMBL Foundation oversees scholarships provided to graduates of the Austin Sunshine Camp Sunrise Leadership Program.

The book Why Not Blame Drew? How all your problems originate from him was a self-proclaimed catharsis for him after reading about numerous tragic events, watching documentaries such as "An Inconvenient Truth", and reading numerous books on topics ranging from the Middle East Crisis to stories of disadvantaged and poor. He realized that all the blame came back to him, personally. The more he delved into the concept, the more he realized the burden this meant. As he analyzed the logic of this unbelievable realization, he documented his understanding and the burden. Finally, he discussed what this all meant for him in his life. He mentioned how he planned to move forward.

In his free time, Drew likes to travel, hike, and kayak. Kayaking was one of the reasons driving him to Austin, Texas, where he met his wife. He is proud to say that he has kayaked every month he has been in Austin for over a decade. This love of kayaking combined with his desire to make a positive difference in the world was the inspiration for his site, YellowKayak.org.

Drew writes and speaks on the topics of integrity, responsibility, and respect. He asks the question, "why not make a difference?" He then presents items of consideration in the terms of individual integrity, individual responsibility, and respect by individuals and for individuals. If you are interested in having Drew Bixby speak at your event, school, or organization, please contact him at info@YellowKayak.org

ISBN: 4226-128-4243
Weight: 160 lb
Worth: Priceless