Why Not Blame Drew?
Drew Bixby is an entrepreneur, writer,citizen and volunteer who is constantly philosophizing on life. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his supportive wife Melissa. He blogs at about integrity, responsibility, and respect at YellowKayak.org

Drew writes and speaks on the topics of integrity, responsibility, and respect. He asks the question, "why not make a difference?" He then presents items of consideration in the terms of individual integrity, individual responsibility, and respect by individuals and for individuals. If you are interested in having Drew Bixby speak at your event, school, or organization, please contact him at info@YellowKayak.org

You can find out even more in a full bio about Drew Bixby. At the least, you know who to blame.

Find more information, including free copies of recorded chapters when you browse to BlameDrew.com on your desktop.

ISBN: 4226-128-4243
Weight: 160 lb
Worth: Priceless